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08-18-09 Town Council Meeting


AUGUST 18, 2009

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Majority Leader Marcia A. Leclerc, Minority Leader Donald H. Pitkin, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Barbara-Ann Rossi, Linda A. Russo, Patricia Harmon and Eric Thompson

ABSENT  Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr.


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in
accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.

The Chair called for a moment of silence to honor the life of Robert Kenary, a longtime resident of East Hartford, who had recently retired as Commander from the East Hartford Police Department.  The Chair remembered Commander Kenary’s dedication to public safety and specifically as an advocate for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Several Councillors commented on his life’s work.  He will be truly missed.


Mayor Currey said that, while the renovated side entrance at Town Hall is opened, the new elevator has not yet been inspected by the state. She asked the handicapped residents to continue using the existing elevator.  Additionally, the Mayor announced that the Economic Development Commission, in conjunction with the Development Department, formulated a marketing brochure which won Best in Class from the Northeast Economic Developer’s Association.    


August 4, 2009 Regular Meeting  

MOTION  By Marcia Leclerc
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2009 Regular Meeting.
                        Motion carried 8/0.


Health Department Update – H1N1 Flu

Jim Cordier, Director of Health and Social Services Department, stated that the H1N1 flu
has turned out to be not as severe an outbreak as had been originally forecasted.  Mr.
Cordier reiterated the precautions that should be taken to prevent the onset and spread of
the virus. He also indicated that a vaccine is being formulated and it could be available
sometime this Fall, and that regular flu shots will also be distributed in the same manner
as in previous years.

Presentation by Billy Taylor, Public Works Director re: Main Street Stop – Log Closure

Billy Taylor, Director of Public Works, stated that on Saturday, August 22nd, the Public
Works Department in cooperation with the Fire Department Office of Emergency
Management and the Police Department, will erect the Flood Protection System’s Main
Street stop-log structure between Pitkin Street and Silver Lane between the hours of 6AM
and 5PM.  Mr. Taylor explained that this is a requirement to demonstrate that the town is
capable of closing this opening in the Flood Protection System in the event of an actual

Letters of Commendation: East Hartford Fire Department

Chair Kehoe read excerpts from letters sent by a private citizen, the South Windsor Fire
Department, the Rhode Island Fire Department, and two letters from Riverfront Recapture
praising the professionalism and skill of East Hartford’s firefighters.  Fire Chief Oates
attested to the competency of his staff who go above and beyond the call of duty on a
daily basis.  Chief Oates also touched on the issue of “regionalism” for the East Hartford
Fire Department and the potential benefits in the participation of shared responsibilities
with other municipal fire departments.


Recommendations from Ordinance Committee:

Municipal Enterprise Zone: Sections 2-117 and 2-118

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Don Pitkin
                to amend the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances by repealing
Sections 2-117 and 2-118 and to substitute in lieu thereof the new
Sections 2-117 and 2-118 entitled, “Municipal Enterprise Zone”,
consistent with the draft of said ordinance dated July 21, 2009,
which was unanimously recommended by the Ordinance Committee.
        Motion carried 8/0.


July 21, 2009 DRAFT

Section 2-117 of the town ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

The Town Council of the Town of East Hartford finds:

a) That Section 32-70 et seq., as amended, of the Connecticut General Statutes permits the Town, upon receipt of approval from the Connecticut Department of Economic Development, to establish by ordinance a municipal enterprise zone for the purpose of attracting investment by business enterprises and enhancing the town's economic climate and employment opportunities; and

b) That the Department of Economic Development approved on July 14, 1995, the Town's application to designate Census Tract 5106 as a municipal enterprise zone and that in 2009, the town recognized the need to reduce the scope of the enterprise zone to reflect changes in the economic development plan for this area; and

c) That it is in the best interest of the Town to establish by ordinance such municipal enterprise zone In compliance with the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes, Section 32-70 et seq., as amended.

Section 2-118 of the town ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

As used in this ordinance, "municipal enterprise zone" means [Census Tract 5106, as depicted on a map showing census tracts within the town published in 1990 by the U.S. Bureau of the Census] a portion of Census Tract 5106 as depicted on a map dated April 3, 2009 and approved by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, which map is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.

Reverse Auction – Bidding Procedures: Section 10-7(d)

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded Don Pitkin
                to amend the Town of East Hartford Code of Ordinances by repealing
Section 10-7(d) and to substitute in lieu thereof a new Section 10-7(d)
entitled, “Reverse Auction – Bidding Procedures”, consistent with the draft
of said ordinance dated July 21, 2009, which was unanimously
recommended by the Ordinance Committee.
Motion carried 8/0.


July 21, 2009 DRAFT

Section 10-7(d) of the town ordinances is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

(d) The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section and section 10-8 and section 10-9 of the town ordinances do not apply if a single purchase or contract in excess of five thousand dollars is made or let based on a bid received by (1) a federal or state government; (2) a regional governmental entity, including but not limited to the Capitol Region Council of Governments; [, or] (3) a purchasing consortium of state governments, including but not limited to the Western States Contracting Alliance; or (4) the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities through a reverse auction process, when such government, governmental entity or purchasing consortium has received such bid through a sealed competitive bidding process and the bidder agrees to offer such goods or professional services at that bid to municipal governments in Connecticut.

Outdoor Amusement Permit Applications:

American Heart Association Top Walker Appreciation Concert

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to approve the outdoor amusement permit application of, and waive the
                associated permit fees for, the American Heart Association’s Top Walker
Appreciation Concert to be held at the Amphitheater in Great River Park on
Friday, September 18, 2009 from approximately 5PM to 8PM with music from 6PM to 7:45 PM, subject to compliance with adopted codes and regulations of the State of Connecticut, the Town of East Hartford, and any other stipulations required by the Town of East Hartford or its agencies.
Motion carried 8/0.

ING Greater Hartford Marathon

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Pat Harmon
to approve the outdoor amusement permit application from Elizabeth Shluger of the Hartford Marathon Foundation to conduct an outdoor musical entertainment and marathon and half-marathon on Saturday, October 10, 2009 from 7:30AM to 12:00PM, with music running between the hours of 8:30AM and 11:00 AM, subject to compliance with adopted codes and regulations of the State of Connecticut, the Town of East Hartford, and any other stipulations required by the Town of East Hartford or its agencies.
Motion carried 8/0.


Minority Leader Donald Pitkin and Councillor Eric Thompson inquired on a recent incident of graffiti that occurred in the town.  

Councillor Barbara Rossi commented on the bravery of Mr. Joseph Janty, an East Hartford resident, for coming to the aid of a woman who was the victim of a purse-snatching incident in Glastonbury.


Carlos Mouta v. Town of East Hartford (Tax Appeal)

MOTION  By Marcia Leclerc
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to accept the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel’s office
                to settle the tax appeal case entitled Carlos Mouta v. Town of East
                Hartford and to authorize the Town Assessor to reduce the fair market
                value of the property located at 235 East River Drive, Unit 101,
                owned by Carlos Mouta, to the sum of $212,100.00, subject to rounding,
                beginning with the Grand List of October 1, 2007; and to reduce the fair
                market value of the property located at 235 East River Drive, Unit 403,
                owned by Carlos Mouta, to the sum of $260,500.00, subject to rounding,
                beginning with the Grand List of October 1, 2007; further that neither
                party will be entitled to fees or costs of any kind; further that if the plaintiff is
                entitled to a refund of taxes paid the refund will be deducted from the next
                installment of taxes.
                Motion carried 7/0.  Abstain: Russo


Councillor Marc Weinberg recognized the birthdays of Angela Attenello, Town Council Clerk; Jeanne Webb, Development Director; and Pat Byrnes, an East Hartford resident and frequent volunteer.


MOTION  By Don Pitkin   
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to adjourn (8:55 p.m.).
                Motion carried 8/0.

The Chair announced that the next meeting of the Town Council would be on September 1, 2009.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK